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GINA 2021 Report Summary & World Asthma Day Meeting of the GINA Advocates

World Asthma Day 2021: A meeting of the GINA Advocates discussing the burden of asthma around the world. The meeting includes a summary of the 2021 Global Initiative for Asthma report featuring Dr. Helen Reddel, Chair, GINA Science Committee. In addition, see presentations from our vital group of GINA Advocates that assist with Dissemination and Implementation in their home countries.

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GINA: Interim Guidance About COVID-19 & Asthma - Updated 26 April 2021

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GINA has updated its interim guidance about COVID-19 and asthma, including new advice about COVID-19 vaccines.


  • World No Tobacco Day 2021
    Policy changes urgently needed to support tobacco cessation, warn respiratory groups On World No Tobacco Day (31 May, 2021) the Forum of International […]
  • Global respiratory groups join WHO, calling on world leaders to act on the commitments made to end TB.
    For Immediate Release MARCH 23, 2021 – In support of World TB Day, 24 March, the Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS), of which GINA is a […]

Email Newsletter Signup

The Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) strives to increase awareness of asthma among health professionals, health authorities, and the general public. Our goals include improving diagnoses, management and prevention of asthma by stimulating research, and providing evidence-based educational resources for worldwide use.


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The GINA global strategy for asthma management and prevention is presented in its strategy documents, which are freely available on the GINA Website.

The GINA Scientific Committee prepares updates to these documents each year, which are made available on the GINA Website as they are completed. The Scientific Committee has developed a sophisticated set of procedures to review the world’s literature with regards to asthma management and to update the GINA documents to reflect this state-of-the-art information.

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World Asthma Day


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