Little Snitch is not available for Windows but there are plenty of alternatives that runs on Windows with similar functionality. The most popular Windows alternative is GlassWire, which is free. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 25 alternatives to Little Snitch and 14 are available for Windows so hopefully you can find a.
- I'm looking for an alternative to Little Snitch, because I can't find any way to either quit the application or stop it from starting with the system.
- How to Find and Stop the Workplace Snitch. Updated: May 13, 2016. One of the first lessons that most people learn in grade school is, 'Nobody likes a tattletale.' But some people never get this idea through their heads, and, eventually, these pint-sized snitches grow up and join the workforce, where they make colleagues' and managers' lives.
For instructions how to uninstall Little Snitch 4, see here.
In order to uninstall Little Snitch 5, just move the Little Snitch application from your Applications folder to the trash in Finder.
This will completely remove all components associated with Little Snitch, including all its system extensions and helper tools.
IMPORTANT: Do not remove the Little Snitch app by any other means (like Terminal or some third party app-removal tool) because otherwise macOS won’t remove the Little Snitch system extension!
Configuration files
Your configuration data will not be deleted. So if you decide to reinstall Little Snitch at a later point, your rules and preferences will still be in place.
Quit Little Snitch 2
The configuration files are stored at the following locations
The ~ (tilde character) refers to your home folder.
How to check if Little Snitch was successfully uninstalled
If you wish, you can then run the following two commands in a Terminal window to check if the uninstallation was successful:
Can't Quit Little Snitch
Show all currently installed system extensions of Little Snitchsystemextensionsctl list | grep activated | grep at.obdev.littlesnitch
Show all currently running components of Little Snitchps -ax | egrep 'Little Snitch|littlesnitch' | grep -v grep
When Little Snitch is uninstalled, both commands should yield an empty result.
Due to a bug in macOS, the uninstallation may fail in some rare cases, causing the Little Snitch system extensions to remain installed after moving the app to the trash. To recover from this situation, please do the following:
Quit Little Snitch Book
- Reinstall the current version of Little Snitch 5 in your Applications folder (either by putting it back from the Trash or by downloading it from our website).
- Start the App with the Option key held down.
- You will be presented with a window showing the current installation status of all Little Snitch components.
- Click the lock icon at the bottom left corner of the window to authenticate as an administrator.
- Click on “Network Extension” and choose “Uninstall”.
- If the “Endpoint Security” system extension is shown as installed, uninstall it as well.
- Quit the app and move it to the Trash in Finder.