Ufed Physical Analyzer

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  • UFED Physical Analyzer, UFED Logical Analyzer and Cellebrite Reader v7.30 February 2020 www.cellebrite.com 2 This is the first step towards implementing a more intuitive design, with improved navigation, visuals and tools to optimize your use of UFED Physical Analyzer and to help you save valuable time.
  • UFED Physical Analyzer application provides an in-depth view of the device's memory using advanced decoding, analysis, and reports. UFED Physical Analyzer can decode all types of extractions created by the UFED Touch or UFED Classic unit. Phone Detective application helps investigators quickly identify a mobile phone by its physical.

Dec 01, 2020 UFED Physical Analyzer version 7.3.3 is the most substantial upgrade to this user interface we’ve ever done. This enhanced UI provides a number of useful new features, while improving accessibility to data from extracted devices.

UFED Touch Ultimate is the software designed for investigators. It provides invaluable information and effective solutions.

As an authorized partner of Cellebrite we offer annual license for UDED Ultimate software. The prolongation of the license makes it possible to download monthly updates and have an access to technical support.

UFED Physical Analyzer

  • the most advanced physical extraction programme with decoding, analysis and report generation features
  • rich set of data including SMS, MMS, chats, calendar, call logs, contacts, applications
  • search based either on open text or specific parameters
  • monitor events in a single chronological view
  • ability to highlight information based on predefined list of values
  • powerful feature used to recover deleted image files and fragments when only remnants are available (only physical extraction)
  • view communications between sources in date and time order
  • generate and customize reports in different formats e. g. PDF, HTML and XML
  • viewing, searching and exporting tables and content from SQLite database files
  • hexadecimal view of the extracted data enabling advanced search based on multiple parameters (regular expressions and more)
  • highlights the exact position for each decoded content entry, enabling full tractability between the analysed data and the Hex
  • using the Python shell, enhances the capabilities for content decoding
  • run Python scripts via plug-ins; edit and create new decoding chains
  • UFED Phone Detective – helps investigators identify a mobile phone at the start of an investigation
  • UFED Reader – the UFED Reader allows authorized personnel to share examination results with others
  • UFED CHINEX – available as an add-on to the UFED Touch Ultimate is the UFED CHINEX; the premium, field-ready solution for the extraction of evidentiary data from phones manufactured with Chinese chipsets.

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Ufed Physical Analyzer Crack

Cellebrite is a company which exists since 1999 and is a part of a Japanese Sun Corporation. It was founded by experienced specialists dealing with solutions in fixed and mobile telephony. It soon became a world leader of advanced technologies used for analysis and recovering the..

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Mobile Device Images
Cellebrite – UFED v1.2.2.3, Physical Analyzer v3.5.0.414

The UFED Reader is an application allowing users to share analysis reports. Features include: advanced analyzing capabilities (e.g., search and entity bookmark functionalities) and report generation in the following formats: pdf, html, xml, Excel, UFED Report Package.
UFEDReader 3.2.exe

The following mobile devices: BlackBerry Torch 9800, HTC One V, iPhone 3GS and the Nokia 6102i were populated and acquired using UFED v1.2.2.3 and Physical Analyzer v3.5.0.414. The Acquisition Image column contains links to the image extracted from the mobile device. The Report column contains links to the associated report.

Mobile DeviceAcquisition ImageReport
BlackBerry Torch 9800File System Dumphtml, pdf, ufdr, xml
BlackBerry Torch 9800Logical Acquisitionhtml, pdf, ufdr, xml
BlackBerry Torch 9800Physical Acquisitionhtml, pdf, ufdr, xml
HTC One VLogical Acquisitionhtml, pdf, ufdr, xml
iPhone 3GSLogical Acqusitionhtml, pdf, ufdr, xml
iPhone 3GSFile System Acquisitionhtml, pdf, ufdr, xml
iPhone 3GSPhysical Acquisitionhtml, pdf, ufdr, xml
Nokia 6102iFile System Dumphtml, pdf, ufdr, xml
Nokia 6102iLogical Acquisitionhtml, pdf, ufdr, xml
Nokia 6102iPhysical Acquisition-PMhtml, pdf, ufdr, xml
Nokia 6102iPhysical Acquisition-PMABShtml, pdf, ufdr, xml