Drivers Licence Verification South Africa


Verify whether an individual's drivers licence Sims 4 blind mod. is authentic, valid or expired. MIE sources the drivers licence information directly from e-Natis for precise and prompt feedback.

In addition to standard driver’s licences, MIE also verifies Professional Drivers Permits (PrDP) and various licence codes.


Learners licences can also be checked.

This check tells you whether or not the individual has been involved in any reported vehicle accidents by checking on the e-Natis System.

This product provides a list of vehicles listed against an individual’s South African ID number. Uniop designer 5 software, free download.

The website offers a quick service were the submission of the driver’s ID number, passport number, foreign ID number or car registration number as well as their licence card number triggers an automated response that confirms or denies the validity of the person’s licence. Click here to check whether you’re licence is valid. A VIN is a 17 digit alphanumeric number and can be found on the license disc, on the inside of the drivers side door or even where the windshield and dash meet. Take care when entering the VIN number particularly with digits that can look both alpha or numeric (eg: “0” or “O”).

Additionally the check provides information regarding a company's vehicle fleet.

Various checks can be conducted in Africa. Visit for more information.

Criminal Record

MIE offers 5 different Criminal Record Check options tailored to suit your requirements.

ID Verification

This check confirms that the ID number provided does in fact belong to the particular individual. The verification is conducted by matching the Name and Surname of the individual to the ID number provided.

Indian driving licence verification

Drivers Licence Verification South Africa Form

Verification of South African Drivers License

Introduction / Process to follow / Location and Contacts


  • Verification of South African drivers licences:

    The Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) will upon request, issue a printout of the licence required and supply a Letter of Confirmation of the licence. This letter reflects the date the licence was first issued.

  • Application for / Renewal of South African drivers licence:

From 01 March 1998, all licence holders were obliged to convert their Identity Document licences to the Credit Card Format (CCF) licence. In the case of private motorists, the conversion period was 5 years with a penalty fee for late conversion. It is not (currently) possible to apply for the CCF licence from abroad, as the issuing of a CCF licence is dependent on an eye test and biometric verification. Excavator simulator games for pc free download. However, if a South African driving licence holder can supply proof (passport) that he/she was abroad during the conversion period, the increased penalty fee will not be levied. Please note application must be made within six (6) months of date of return. The licence contained in an identity document may only be converted and may not be used to drive with during this six (6) month period.

  • Drivers licence and renting of vehicles:

It might prove difficult to rent a vehicle when abroad and if successful, the insurance premiums may be high. This is due to the fact that South African (CCF) drivers' licences only indicate the date of issue of the specific licence, but not when the holder first qualified as a driver. It is therefore advisable to apply for a printout and Confirmation Letter of one's drivers licence from the Road Traffic Management Corporation prior to travelling or whilst abroad if you are planning to hire a vehicle. Some countries may not accept South African drivers' licences as valid licences and it may be prudent to apply for an international drivers licence from the Automobile Association before departure from South Africa.


Process to follow

Request the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) (in writing) for a printout and Confirmation Letter of your drivers licence. Your request must include your contact details (including fax number), a copy of your ID and a copy of your drivers licence.

How To Verify A South African Drivers Licence

Location and Contacts

Drivers Licence Verification South Africa South Africa

Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC)
Private Bag X147
Pretoria, 0001
Street Address: Boardwalk Office Park – Phase 5, Boardwalk Boulevard, Faerie Glen, 0043
087 301 8200
012 999 5200
0861 400 800 (not toll free)
086 602 5928